As per payment and settlement rules, check bank bills issued by agency bank, transfer of funds, and security management of stamp, encryption and vouchers; 按照支付结算制度和协议的规定,对代理行签发银行汇票、资金移存以及印、押、证安全管理情况进行检查;
The issuance of transfer cheques requires the simultaneous registry and the affixture of paid stamp on original vouchers. 签发转账支票时须同时办理登记并对原始凭证加盖付讫章。
A settlement may transfer the funds by using the check, promissory notes and credit vouchers from the special funds account. 结算会员可以用专用资金账户开出的支票、本票和贷记凭证入金。
In the real life, as the written form of basis for entries, vouchers exist in various occasions, such as vouchers, invoices, documents, such as the transfer certificates, invoice vouchers, order certificates, proof of payment and so on. 在现实生活中,凭证作为记账依据的书面形式,存在于各种场合,如转账凭证、发票凭证、订购凭证、付款凭证等。